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07712 122028 Hours: 8am-5pm Monday - Friday


At GMM we don't believe in one off training exercises but rather the development of an individual through accredited training programmes. Developing an individual is a continuing practise that expands their portfolio of qualifactions enabling them to further their career and improves their future prospects. With this in mind our aim is to provide our services to academic institutions, corporations and individuals with both in-house and onsite training.

Our belief in development has helped us to create a full range of training solutions so that we can develop individuals from the ground up. The qualifications that we offer start with the basic requirement for the utility & construction industry (EUSR SHEA Passport to Work) right up to corporate training (business/risk management) and everything inbetween. We are not just a one off training provider but a provider that can develop yourself and your employees for the foreseeable future.
Personal Development
Personal development is a lifelong process. It is the best way for you to assess your skills, qualities and your future goals so that you can maximise your potential. At GMM we help you to realise that potential and work with you so that you can get the most out of the courses we provide. If you are unsure of your future career aspects or would like to know of your possible career paths, then our instructors are avialable to dicuss this with you and help you to realise your potential.
Developing Your Employees
Investing in your employees evidences the high value that your company holds it's staff in. With development comes self motivation, an understanding of the company culture and what expectations the company requires.

These embedded values in your people creates a loyalty to your company which will give added benefits such as:
  • Lower staff turnover percentages
  • Increased efficiencies
  • The number of lost work days due to absences
  • The costs associated with resolving the above